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Imports analysis metadata (annotation) from a preloaded data frame or tibble via the data argument, or from data from a file (CSV or Excel) via the path argument. The analysis metadata must contain following columns: analysis_id and qc_type. Additional analysis metadata columns are described under details below.


  data = NULL,
  table = NULL,
  path = NULL,
  sheet = NULL,
  ignore_warnings = FALSE,
  excl_unmatched_analyses = FALSE



A MidarExperiment object


A data frame or tibble with analysis (sample) metadata. If path is also provided, an error will be raised.


A character string specifying the path to a CSV (.csv) or Excel (.xlsx) file. If table is also provided, an error will be raised.


Defines the sheet name in case an Excel file is provided.


Ignore warnings from data validation and proceed with importing metadata


Exclude analyses (samples) that have no matching metadata


An updated MidarExperiment object


mexp <- MidarExperiment()
file_path = system.file("extdata", "MHQuant_demo.csv", package = "midar")
mexp <- import_data_masshunter(
  data = mexp,
  path = file_path,
  import_metadata = FALSE)
#>  Imported 38 analyses with 31 features
#>  `feature_area` selected as default feature intensity. Modify with `set_intensity_var()`.

meta_path = system.file("extdata", "MHQuant_demo_metadata_analyses.csv", package = "midar")

mexp <- import_metadata_analyses(
  data = mexp,
  path = meta_path,
  excl_unmatched_analyses = TRUE)
#>  Analysis metadata associated with 38 analyses.

#> ── MidarExperiment ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Title:
#> Processing status: Annotated raw AREA values
#> ── Annotated Raw Data ──
#> • Analyses: 38
#> • Features: 31
#> • Raw signal used for processing: `feature_area`
#> ── Metadata ──
#> • Analyses/samples: 
#> • Features/analytes: 
#> • Internal standards: 
#> • Response curves: 
#> • Calibrants/QC concentrations: 
#> • Study samples: 
#> ── Processing Status ──
#> • Isotope corrected: 
#> • ISTD normalized: 
#> • ISTD quantitated: 
#> • Drift corrected variables: 
#> • Batch corrected variables: 
#> • Feature filtering applied: 
#> ── Exclusion of Analyses and Features ──
#> • Analyses manually excluded (`analysis_id`): NA