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The MidarExperiment object organizes data into two main categories: data and metadata. The data category includes tables for raw data, processed data, and feature metrics, while the metadata category encompasses analysis annotations, feature annotations, internal standard annotations, batch annotations, response curve annotations, and calibration curves. Key identifiers, such as analysis_id for analyses and feature_id for features, are used to link data and metadata and are integral to the functions of the package.


The MidarExperiment object serves as the primary data container in the MiDAR workflow. It encompasses all experimental and processed data, metadata, details of applied processing steps, and the current data status. All MiDAR functions for data processing, management, and visualization utilize MidarExperiment objects as both input and output.

Data and Metadata

Data within the MidarExperiment is organized into data and metadata categories, each divided into tables (data.frames).


Category Table name (Slot) Description
Raw Data dataset_orig Original imported analysis data.
Processed Data dataset Annotated raw and processed data with available metadata.
Feature metrics feature_metrics Information and various quality control metrics for features.


Data Type Table name (Slot) Description
Analyses Annotation annot_analyses Details sample categories, amounts, dilutions, processing batches, and other relevant information.
Features Annotation annot_features Describes internal standards for normalization, response factors, feature classification, and specifies quantifiers and internal standards.
Internal Standard annot_istds Concentrations of internal standards added to samples.
Batches annot_batches Specifies the boundaries (start and end) for each defined batch.
Response Curves annot_responsecurves Defines response curves, detailing sample amounts across different steps.
Calibration Curves annot_standards Defines concentrations of unlabelled and labelled standards in calibration curves and other quality control materials.

Key Data Identifiers

The following key data fields are essential for organizing data within MiDAR. Many MiDAR functions depend on these fields, and exported data utilizes these identifier names.

Table Field Description
Analyses analysis_id Unique identifier for each analysis.
sample_category Describes the function of sample in the analysis, such as Blank, QC, or study sample. Must be a subset of SPL, TQC, BQC, PBLK, SBLK, UBLK, MBLK,
batch_id Unique identifier for each batch level.
Features feature_id Unique identifier for each feature.
istd_feature_id The feature_id of the internal standard used to normalize raw intensities (each internal standard must be defined as a feature).

Field Naming Considerations

Certain field names differ from conventional terminology (e.g., analysis_id instead of sample_id) to enhance clarity and prevent confusion with other identifiers. A sample may be measured multiple times across different methods or processing replicates, necessitating distinct identifiers. Similarly, analytes can be quantified through multiple transitions or adducts, which is why feature_id is designated as the primary identifier.