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This tutorial illustrates a postprocessing and quality control workflow starting from a preprocessing data from an lipidomics analysis. Starting from peak areas, the iam is to produce a curated dataset with lipid species concentrations that is ready for subsequent statistical analysss. This post-processing will include an assessment of the analytical and data quality of the lipidomics analysis, followed by normalisation/quantification, feature filtering and reporting of the dataset.

1. Importing MRMkit results with integrated peak areas

We begin by importing the MRMkit result file, which contains the areas of the integrated peaks (features) in all the processed raw data files. In addition, the MRMkit result file also contains peak retention times and widths, as well as metadata extracted from the mzML files, such as acquisition time stamp and m/z values. We import these metadata by setting import_metadata = TRUE.


Type print(myexp) in the console to get a summary of the status. You can explore the myexp object in RStudio by clicking it in the Environment panel on the top right.

myexp <- midar::MidarExperiment(title = "sPerfect")

data_path <- "datasets/sPerfect_MRMkit.tsv"
myexp <- import_data_mrmkit(data = myexp, path = data_path, import_metadata = TRUE)
#>  Imported 499 analyses with 503 features
#>  `feature_area` selected as default feature intensity. Modify with `set_intensity_var()`.
#>  Analysis metadata associated with 499 analyses.
#>  Feature metadata associated with 503 features.

2. A glimpse on the imported MRMkit results

Let us examine the imported data by executing the code below or by entering the command View(myexp@dataset_orig) in the console. As can be observed, the data is in long format, thereby enabling the user to view multiple parameters for each analysis-feature pair.


Explore the imported table using in the RStudio table viewer with the filter functionality.

print(myexp@dataset_orig) # Better use `get_rawdata(mexp, "original")`
#> # A tibble: 250,997 × 20
#>    analysis_id   raw_data_filename acquisition_time_stamp feature_id run_seq_num
#>    <chr>         <chr>             <dttm>                 <chr>            <int>
#>  1 Longit_BLANK… Longit_BLANK-01 … 2017-10-20 14:15:36    CE 14:0              1
#>  2 Longit_B-IST… Longit_B-ISTD 01… 2017-10-20 14:27:06    CE 14:0              2
#>  3 Longit_Un-IS… Longit_Un-ISTD 0… 2017-10-20 14:38:26    CE 14:0              3
#>  4 Longit_LTR 01 Longit_LTR… 2017-10-20 14:49:48    CE 14:0              4
#>  5 Longit_TQC-1… Longit_TQC-10%.m… 2017-10-20 15:12:31    CE 14:0              5
#>  6 Longit_TQC-2… Longit_TQC-20%.m… 2017-10-20 15:23:51    CE 14:0              6
#>  7 Longit_TQC-4… Longit_TQC-40%.m… 2017-10-20 15:35:11    CE 14:0              7
#>  8 Longit_TQC-6… Longit_TQC-60%.m… 2017-10-20 15:46:31    CE 14:0              8
#>  9 Longit_TQC-8… Longit_TQC-80%.m… 2017-10-20 15:57:51    CE 14:0              9
#> 10 Longit_TQC-1… Longit_TQC-100%.… 2017-10-20 16:09:11    CE 14:0             10
#> # ℹ 250,987 more rows
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: data_source <chr>, sample_type <chr>, batch_id <chr>,
#> #   istd_feature_id <chr>, integration_qualifier <lgl>, feature_rt <dbl>,
#> #   feature_area <dbl>, feature_height <dbl>, feature_fwhm <dbl>,
#> #   feature_int_start <dbl>, feature_int_end <dbl>, method_polarity <chr>,
#> #   method_precursor_mz <dbl>, method_product_mz <dbl>,
#> #   method_collision_energy <dbl>

3. Analytical design and timeline

An overview of the analysis design and timelines can provide useful information for subsequent processing steps. The plot below illustrates the batch structure, the quality control (QC) samples included with their respective positions, and additional information regarding the date, duration, and run time of the analysis.


Show analysis timestamps with show_timestamp = TRUE. Have there been long interruptions within and between the batches?

  qc_types = NA, 
  show_batches = TRUE, 
  batches_as_shades = TRUE, 
  batch_shading_color = "#fffbdb", 
  segment_width = 0.5,
  show_timestamp = FALSE)

We can look at the internal standards (ISTDs) in all samples across all six batches to see how the analyses went. The same ISTD amount was spiked into each sample (except SBLK) so we should expect the same intensities in all samples and sample types.


What do you observe? You can set output_pdf = TRUE to save the plots as PDF (see subfolder output).

  data = myexp,
  variable = "intensity",
  qc_types = c("BQC", "TQC", "SPL", "PBLK", "SBLK"),
  plot_range_indices = NA, #get_batch_boundaries(myexp, c(1,6)), 
  include_feature_filter = "ISTD", 
  exclude_feature_filter = "Hex|282",
  cap_outliers = TRUE,
  log_scale = FALSE, 
  show_batches = TRUE,base_font_size = 5,
  output_pdf = FALSE,
  path = "./output/runscatter_istd.pdf",
  cols_page = 4, rows_page = 3
#> Generating plots (3 pages)...

#>  - done!

5. Adding detailed metadata

To proceed with further processing, we require additional metadata describing the samples and features. The MiDAR Excel template provides a solution for the collection, organisation and pre-validation of analysis metadata. Import metadata from this template using the function below. If there are errors in the metadata (e.g. duplicate or missing ID), the import will fail with an error message and summary of the errors. If the metadata is error-free, a summary of warnings and notes about the metadata will be shown in a table, if present. Check your metadata by working through these warnings, or proceed using ignore_warnings = TRUE.


Open the XLSM file in the data folder to explore the metadata structure (click ‘Disable Macros’).

file_path <- "datasets/sPerfect_Metadata.xlsm"
myexp <- import_metadata_midarxlm(myexp, path = file_path, ignore_warnings = TRUE)
#> ! Metadata has following warnings and notifications:
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>   Type Table    Column                Issue                           Count
#> 1 W*   Analyses analysis_id           Analyses not in analysis data      15
#> 2 W*   Features feature_id            Feature(s) not in analysis data     4
#> 3 W*   Features feature_id            Feature(s) without metadata         1
#> 4 W*   ISTDs    quant_istd_feature_id Internal standard(s) not used       1
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> E = Error, W = Warning, W* = Supressed Warning, N = Note
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>  Analysis metadata associated with 499 analyses.
#>  Feature metadata associated with 502 features.
#>  Internal Standard metadata associated with 17 ISTDs.
#>  Response curve metadata associated with 12 analyses.
myexp <- set_analysis_order(myexp, order_by = "timestamp")
#>  Analysis order set to "timestamp"
myexp <- set_intensity_var(myexp, variable_name = "area")
#>  Default feature intensity variable set to "area"

To examine overall technical trends and issues affecting the majority of analytes (features), the RLA (Relative Log Abundance) plot is a useful tool (De Livera et al., Analytical Chemistry, 2015). In this plot, all features are normalised (by across or within-batch medians) and plotted as a boxplot per sample. This plot can help to identify potential pipetting errors, sample spillage, injection volume changes or instrument sensitivity changes.


First, run the code below as it is. What observations can be made? Then, examine batch 6, by uncommenting the line #plot_range_indices =. What do you see in this batch? Identify the potential outlier sample by setting x_axis_variable = "analysis_id". Next, set the y-axis limits manually y_lim = c(-2,2) and display all analyses/batches again to inspect the data for other trends or fluctuations.

  data = myexp,
  rla_type_batch = c("within"),
  variable = "intensity",
  qc_types = c("BQC", "SPL", "RQC", "TQC", "PBLK"), 
  filter_data = FALSE, 
  #plot_range_indices = get_batch_boundaries(myexp, batch_ids = c(6,6)), 
  #y_lim = c(-3,3),
  x_axis_variable = "run_seq_num",
  ignore_outliers = FALSE, x_gridlines = FALSE,
  batches_as_shades = FALSE,
  linewidth = 0.1

7. PCA plot of all QC types

A principal component analysis (PCA) plot provides an alternative method for obtaining an overview of the study and quality control (QC) samples, as well as for identifying potential issues, such as batch effects, technical outliers, and differences between the sample types.


Add blanks and sample dilutions to the plot, by including "PBLK", "RQC" to qc_types = below. What do you think the resulting PCA plot suggests now?

  data = myexp, 
  variable = "feature_intensity", 
  filter_data = FALSE,
  pca_dim = c(1,2),
  label_mad_threshold = 3, 
  qc_types = c("SPL", "BQC", "NIST", "TQC"),
  log_transform = TRUE,  
  point_size = 2, point_alpha = 0.7, font_base_size = 8, ellipse_alpha = 0.3, 
  exclude_istds = TRUE)

8. Exclude technical outliers

Based on the above RLA and PCA plots, we flagged a technical outlier and decided to remove it from all downstream processing via the function analyses_to_exclude().


What do we now see in the new PCA plot? Explore also different PCA dimensions (by modifying pca_dim).

 # Exclude the sample from the processing
myexp <- exclude_analyses(myexp, analyses_to_exclude = c("Longit_batch6_51"), replace_existing  = TRUE)
#>  1 analyses were excluded for downstream processing. Please reprocess data.

# Replot the PCA
  data = myexp,
  variable = "intensity",
  filter_data = FALSE,
  pca_dim = c(1,2),
  label_mad_threshold = 3,
  qc_types = c("SPL", "BQC", "NIST", "TQC"),
  log_transform = TRUE,
  point_size = 2, point_alpha = 0.7, font_base_size = 8, ellipse_alpha = 0.3,
  exclude_istds = TRUE,
  hide_text_from_labels = NA)

9. Response curves

A linear response in quantification is a prerequisite for to compared differences in analyte concentrations between samples. Given the considerable dynamic range of plasma lipid species abundances and the fact that the class-specific ISTD is spiked at a single concentration, verifying the linear response can be a valuable aspect of the analytical quality assessment. While optimising the injected sample amount is primarily a matter of quality assurance (QA), differences in instrument performance can affect the dynamic range. Therefore, we measured injection volume series at the start and end of this analysis as a QC.


Look at the response curves below. What do we see from these results? Change the plotted lipid species by modifying include_feature_filter (it can use regular expressions). Save a PDF of all lipids by setting output_pdf = TRUE and commenting out (add a # in front of) include_feature_filter

# Exclude very low abundant features
myexp <- midar::filter_features_qc(myexp, min.intensity.median.spl = 200)
#> Calculating feature QC metrics - please wait...
#>  New QC filter criteria were defined: 415 of 423 quantifier features meet QC criteria (excluding the 25 quantifier ISTD features).

#Plot the curves
  data = myexp,
  variable = "intensity",
  filter_data = TRUE,
  include_feature_filter = "^PC 3[0-5]", # here we use regular expressions
  output_pdf = FALSE, path = "response-curves.pdf",
  cols_page = 5, rows_page = 4,
#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggpp':
#>   method                  from   
#>   heightDetails.titleGrob ggplot2
#>   widthDetails.titleGrob  ggplot2
#> Generating plots (1 page):  |                                                          |                                                  |   0%

#>   |                                                          |==================================================| 100% - done!

10. Isotope interference correction

As demonstrated in the course presentation, there are several instances where the peaks of interest were co-integrated with the interfering isotope peaks of other lipid species. These intereferences can be subtracted from the raw intensities (areas) using the below function, which utilises information from the metadata. The relative abundances for the interfering fragments were obtained using LICAR (


Check the sheet “Features (Analytes)” in the metadata file (folder data). Which species were affected? Which information will you need? Why should we correct for M+3 isotope interference?

myexp <- midar::correct_interferences(myexp)
#>  Interference-correction has been applied to 11 of the 502 features.

11. Normalization and quantification based on ISTDs

The first step is to normalize each lipid species with its corresponding internal standard (ISTD). Subsequently, the concentrations are calculated based on the volume of the spiked-in ISTD solution, the concentration of the ISTDs in this solution, and the sample volume.


Visit the metadata template to view the corresponding details. You can also try to re-run e.g. above RLA and PCA plots with variable = "norm_intensity" or variable = "conc" to plot the normalized data.

myexp <- midar::normalize_by_istd(myexp)
#>  460 features normalized with 17 ISTDs in 498 analyses.
myexp <- midar::quantify_by_istd(myexp)
#>  460 feature concentrations calculated based on 42 ISTDs and sample amounts of 498 analyses.
#>  Concentrations are given in μmol/L.

12. Examine the effects of class-wide ISTD normalization

The use of class-specific ISTDs is common practice in lipidomics. However, non-authentic internal standards may elute at different times, which can result in them being subject to different matrix effects and thus different responses compared to the analytes. They may also differ in their fragmentation properties, which can also affect the response. Consequently, the use of non-authentic ISTDs for normalization can lead to the introduction of artefacts, which can manifest as increases in sample variability, rather than the expected reduction. It it therefore important to assess ISTDs during QA in particular, but also as QC, and to consider using alternative ISTDs when observing artefacts. One approach to detecting potential ISTD-related artefacts is to compare the variability of QC and samples before and after normalization.


What would you expect from such comarisons of CV? Do you notice potential issues with any of the ISTDs below? What could be possible explanations for such an effect? And what would you do in this situation?

myexp <- filter_features_qc(myexp, min.intensity.median.spl = 1000)
#> Calculating feature QC metrics - please wait...
#>  New QC filter criteria were defined: 393 of 423 quantifier features meet QC criteria (excluding the 25 quantifier ISTD features).
  data = myexp, 
  filter_data = FALSE, 
  qc_type = "SPL", 
  var_before = "intensity", 
  var_after = "norm_intensity")

13. Drift correction

We’re going to use a Gaussian kernel smoothing based on the study sample to correct for any drifts in the concentration data within each batch. The summary return by the function below isn’t meant as actual diagnostics of the fit, but rather to understand if the fit caused any major artefacts. There is also an option to scale along the fit by setting scale_smooth = TRUE.

myexp <- midar::correct_drift_gaussiankernel(
  data = myexp,
  variable = "conc",
  reference_qc_types = c("SPL"),
  within_batch = TRUE,
  replace_previous = FALSE,
  kernel_size = 10,
  outlier_filter = TRUE,
  outlier_ksd = 5,
  location_smooth = TRUE,
  scale_smooth = TRUE, 
  show_progress = TRUE  # set to FALSE when rendering
#> Applying `conc` drift correction...
#>   |                                                    |                                            |   0%  |                                                    |=                                           |   2%  |                                                    |==                                          |   4%  |                                                    |===                                         |   6%  |                                                    |====                                        |   8%  |                                                    |====                                        |  10%  |                                                    |=====                                       |  12%  |                                                    |======                                      |  14%  |                                                    |=======                                     |  16%  |                                                    |========                                    |  18%  |                                                    |=========                                   |  20%  |                                                    |==========                                  |  22%  |                                                    |===========                                 |  24%  |                                                    |============                                |  26%  |                                                    |============                                |  28%  |                                                    |=============                               |  30%  |                                                    |==============                              |  32%  |                                                    |===============                             |  34%  |                                                    |================                            |  37%  |                                                    |=================                           |  39%  |                                                    |==================                          |  41%  |                                                    |===================                         |  43%  |                                                    |====================                        |  45%  |                                                    |=====================                       |  47%  |                                                    |=====================                       |  49%  |                                                    |======================                      |  51%  |                                                    |=======================                     |  53%  |                                                    |========================                    |  55%  |                                                    |=========================                   |  57%  |                                                    |==========================                  |  59%  |                                                    |===========================                 |  61%  |                                                    |============================                |  63%  |                                                    |=============================               |  65%  |                                                    |=============================               |  67%  |                                                    |==============================              |  69%  |                                                    |===============================             |  71%  |                                                    |================================            |  73%  |                                                    |=================================           |  75%  |                                                    |==================================          |  77%  |                                                    |===================================         |  79%  |                                                    |====================================        |  81%  |                                                    |=====================================       |  83%  |                                                    |=====================================       |  85%  |                                                    |======================================      |  87%  |                                                    |=======================================     |  89%  |                                                    |========================================    |  91%  |                                                    |=========================================   |  93%  |                                                    |==========================================  |  95%  |                                                    |=========================================== |  97%  |                                                    |============================================|  99%  |                                                    |============================================| 100% - trend smoothing done!
#>   |                                                    |                                            |   0%  |                                                    |=                                           |   2%  |                                                    |==                                          |   4%  |                                                    |===                                         |   6%  |                                                    |====                                        |   8%  |                                                    |====                                        |  10%  |                                                    |=====                                       |  12%  |                                                    |======                                      |  14%  |                                                    |=======                                     |  16%  |                                                    |========                                    |  18%  |                                                    |=========                                   |  20%  |                                                    |==========                                  |  22%  |                                                    |===========                                 |  24%  |                                                    |============                                |  26%  |                                                    |============                                |  28%  |                                                    |=============                               |  30%  |                                                    |==============                              |  32%  |                                                    |===============                             |  34%  |                                                    |================                            |  37%  |                                                    |=================                           |  39%  |                                                    |==================                          |  41%  |                                                    |===================                         |  43%  |                                                    |====================                        |  45%  |                                                    |=====================                       |  47%  |                                                    |=====================                       |  49%  |                                                    |======================                      |  51%  |                                                    |=======================                     |  53%  |                                                    |========================                    |  55%  |                                                    |=========================                   |  57%  |                                                    |==========================                  |  59%  |                                                    |===========================                 |  61%  |                                                    |============================                |  63%  |                                                    |=============================               |  65%  |                                                    |=============================               |  67%  |                                                    |==============================              |  69%  |                                                    |===============================             |  71%  |                                                    |================================            |  73%  |                                                    |=================================           |  75%  |                                                    |==================================          |  77%  |                                                    |===================================         |  79%  |                                                    |====================================        |  81%  |                                                    |=====================================       |  83%  |                                                    |=====================================       |  85%  |                                                    |======================================      |  87%  |                                                    |=======================================     |  89%  |                                                    |========================================    |  91%  |                                                    |=========================================   |  93%  |                                                    |==========================================  |  95%  |                                                    |=========================================== |  97%  |                                                    |============================================|  99%  |                                                    |============================================| 100% - trend recalc done!
#>  Drift correction (batch-wise) was applied to raw concentrations of 460 of 460 features.
#>  The median CV of all features in study samples (batch medians) decreased by -1.7% (-3.7 to 0.3%) to 42.2%.

In order to demonstrate the correction, we will plot an example (PC 40:8) before and after the drift and batch correction. As we will be using the same plot on several occasions, we create a simple function that wraps the plot with many parameters preset.

# Define a wrapper function

my_trend_plot <- function(variable, feature){
    data = myexp,
    variable = variable,
    qc_types = c("BQC", "TQC", "SPL"),
    include_feature_filter = feature,
    exclude_feature_filter = "ISTD",
    cap_outliers = TRUE,
    log_scale = FALSE,
    show_trend = TRUE,
    output_pdf = FALSE,
    path = "./output/runscatter_PC408_beforecorr.pdf",
    cols_page = 1, rows_page = 1, 

Let’s use this before defined function to plot the trends of one selected example before and after within-batch smoothing. What may have caused such a drift in the raw concentrations? Do the QC samples follow the trend of the sample? Look also at other lipid species.

Try changing within_batch = FALSE in the code chunk above with correct_drift_gaussiankernel() to run the run the smoothing across all batches. Would this be a valid alternative? NOTE: don’t forget to change back to within_batch = TRUE after the test.

my_trend_plot("conc_raw", "PC 40:8")
#> Generating plots (1 page)...

#>  - done!
my_trend_plot("conc", "PC 40:8")
#> Generating plots (1 page)...

#>  - done!

14. Batch-effect correction

As we observed, the trend lines of the different batches are not aligned. We will use correct_batcheffects() to correct for median center (location) and scale differences between the batches. The define that the correction should be based on the study samples medians. An optional scale correction can be performed by setting correct_scale = FALSE. After the correction we directly plot our example lipid species again.


Change the sample type to qc_type = "BQC" to use the BQC to center the batches. What do you observe?

myexp <- midar::correct_batch_centering(
  variable = "conc",
  reference_qc_types = "SPL",
  replace_previous = TRUE,
  correct_location = TRUE, 
  correct_scale = TRUE, 
  log_transform_internal = TRUE)
#> Adding batch correction on top of `conc` drift-correction...
#>  Batch median-centering of 6 batches was applied to drift-corrected concentrations of all 460 features.
#>  The median CV of features in the study samples across batches increased by 29.8% (7.2 to 52.3%) to 45.9%.

my_trend_plot("conc", "PC 40:8")
#> Generating plots (1 page)...

#>  - done!

15. Saving runscatter plots of all features as PDF

For additional inspection and documentation, we can save plots for all or a selected subset of species. It is often preferable to exclude blanks, as they can exhibit random concentrations when signals of features and internal standards are in close proximity or below the limit of detection. The corresponding PDF can be accessed within the output subfolder. Use filt_ arguments to include or exclude specific analytes. The filter can use regular expressions (regex). (Hint: try using ChatGPT to generate more complex regex-based filters).


Explore the effect of setting cap_outliers to TRUEor FALSE. Run ?runscatter in the console or press F2 on the function name to see all available options for plot_runscatter().

  data = myexp,
  variable = "conc",
  qc_types = c("BQC", "TQC", "SPL"),
  include_feature_filter =  NA,
  exclude_feature_filter = "ISTD",
  cap_outliers = TRUE,
  log_scale = FALSE,
  show_trend = TRUE,
  output_pdf = TRUE,
  path = "./output/runscatter_after-drift-batch-correction.pdf",
  cols_page = 2, 
  rows_page = 2,
  show_progress = TRUE

16. QC-based feature filtering

Finally, we apply a set of filters to exclude features that don’t meet specific QC criteria. The available criteria can be seen by pressing TAB after the first open bracket of filter_features_qc() function, or by to viewing the help page. by running ?filter_features_qc in the console. The filter function can be applied multiple times, either overwriting or amending (replace_existing = FALSE) previously set filters.


Explore the effects of the different filtering criteria and filtering thresholds. The plot below in section 17 can be run in order to examine the effects visually.

myexp <- filter_features_qc(
  data = myexp, 
  replace_existing = TRUE,
  batch_medians = TRUE,
  qualifier.include = FALSE,
  istd.include = FALSE, = c(1,2),
  response.curves.summary = "mean",
  min.rsquare.response = 0.8,
  min.slope.response = 0.75,
  max.yintercept.response = 0.5,
  min.signalblank.median.spl.pblk = 10,
  min.intensity.median.spl = 100, = 25, = c("CE 20:4", "CE 22:5", "CE 22:6", "CE 16:0", "CE 18:0")
#> Calculating feature QC metrics - please wait...
#>  New QC filter criteria were defined: 325 of 423 quantifier features meet QC criteria (excluding the 25 quantifier ISTD features).

17. Summary of the QC filtering

The plot below provides an overview of the data quality and the feature filtering. The segments in green indicate the number of species that passed all previously defined quality control (QC) filtering criteria. The rest are the number of species that failed the different filtering criteria. It should be noted that the criteria are hierarchically organised; a feature is only classified as failing a criterion (e.g., CV) when it has passed the hierarchically lower filters (e.g., S/B and LOD).


Are there any differences between lipid classes in terms of their analytical performance? What are the identified QC issues and what are possible explanations for these? What could be the implications if you want to run the next analysis?

midar::plot_qc_summary_byclass(myexp, include_qualifier = FALSE)

The following plot provides a further summary of the feature filtering process, indicating the total number of features that have been successfully filtered. As previously stated, the classification is based on the hierarchical application of filters. The Venn diagram on the right illustrates the number of features that have been excluded by a particular filtering criterion.


Take a look at the Venn diagram. If a feature shows a bad or non-linear response (e.g. r2 < 0.8), what could be the reasons for this?

midar::plot_qc_summary_overall(myexp, include_qualifier = FALSE)

18. Saving a report with data, metadata and processing details

A detailed summary of the data post-processing can be generated in the form of an formatted Excel workbook comprising multiple sheets, each containing raw and processed datasets, associated metadata, feature quality control metrics, and information about the applied processing steps.


Explore the report that was saved in the output folder.

midar::save_report_xlsx(myexp, path = "./output/myexp-midar_report.xlsx")
#> Saving report to disk - please wait...
#>  The data processing report of analysis 'sPerfect' has been saved.

You can also save specific data subsets as a clean flat, wide CSV file. This is how we shared the data for the statistical analysis that will be presented in the next part of this workshop!


Specify which data to export using function arguments and check the generated CSV files.

  data = myexp, 
  path = "./output/sperfect_filt_uM.csv",
  variable = "conc", 
  qc_types = "SPL", 
  include_qualifier = FALSE,
  filter_data = TRUE)
#>  Concentration values of 377 analyses and 325 features have been exported.

19. Sharing the MidarExperiment dataset

The myexp object can be saved as an RDS file and shared. RDS files are serialized R variables/objects that can be opened in R by anyone, even in the absence of midar package. The imported MidarExperiment object can also be utilized for re-processing, plotting, or inspection using the midar package.


Save the dataset to the disk and re-open it under a different name. Check the status comparing it with the dataset generated in the workflow above (mexp)

saveRDS(myexp, file = "./output/myexp-midar.rds", compress = TRUE)
my_saved_exp <- readRDS(file = "./output/myexp-midar.rds")
#> ── MidarExperiment ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Title: sPerfect
#> Processing status: Batch- and drift-corrected concentrations
#> ── Annotated Raw Data ──
#> • Analyses: 498
#> • Features: 502
#> • Raw signal used for processing: `feature_area`
#> ── Metadata ──
#> • Analyses/samples: 
#> • Features/analytes: 
#> • Internal standards: 
#> • Response curves: 
#> • Calibrants/QC concentrations: 
#> • Study samples: 
#> ── Processing Status ──
#> • Isotope corrected: 
#> • ISTD normalized: 
#> • ISTD quantitated: 
#> • Drift corrected variables: `feature_conc`
#> • Batch corrected variables: `feature_conc`
#> • Feature filtering applied: 
#> ── Exclusion of Analyses and Features ──
#> • Analyses manually excluded (`analysis_id`): Longit_batch6_51