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lancer (development version)


lancer 0.1.1

  • Add a figshare DOI.
  • Update workflow picture.
  • Change license year to 2023.

lancer 0.1.0

  • Change %>% to |>.

  • Update README and vignettes file documentation by replacing dilution to curve.

  • Add test unit for function create_reg_col_vec.

  • Change lancer functions that has dilution to curve.

    • validate_dilution_annot changed to validate_curve_batch_annot.

    • validate_dilution_table changed to validate_curve_table.

    • validate_dilution_data changed to validate_curve_data.

    • validate_lipid_data_wide changed to validate_curve_data_wide.

    • create_dilution_table changed to create_curve_table.

    • summarise_dilution_data changed to summarise_curve_data.

    • summarise_dilution_table changed to summarise_curve_table.

    • dilution_summary argument in update_cog_manual changed to curve_summary.

    • dilution_summary argument in update_cog_auto changed to curve_summary.

    • dilution_summary argument in convert_to_cog changed to curve_summary.

    • dilution_summary argument in evaluate_linearity changed to curve_summary.

    • dilution_summary argument in add_ggplot_panel changed to curve_summary.

    • dilution_summary argument in add_plotly_panel changed to curve_summary.

    • dilution_summary argument in calculate_column_max_char changed to curve_summary.

    • dilution_summary argument in mark_near_zero_column changed to curve_summary.

    • dilution_summary argument in format_num_cell_style changed to curve_summary.

    • dilution_summary argument in format_char_cell_colour changed to curve_summary.

    • dilution_summary argument in format_num_cell_colour changed to curve_summary.

    • dilution_summary argument in write_summary_excel changed to curve_summary.

    • dilution_summary_grp argument in plot_summary_table_char changed to curve_summary_grp.

    • dilution_summary_grp argument in plot_summary_table_num changed to curve_summary_grp.

    • dilution_summary_grp argument in plot_summary_table changed to curve_summary_grp.

    • dilution_data argument in create_linear_model changed to curve_data.

    • dilution_data argument in create_quad_model changed to curve_data.

    • dilution_data argument in create_cubic_model changed to curve_data.

    • dilution_data argument in calculate_adl_kroll_test changed to curve_data.

    • dilution_data argument in calculate_adl changed to curve_data.

    • dilution_data argument in calculate_concavity changed to curve_data.

    • dilution_data argument in calculate_gof_linear changed to curve_data.

    • dilution_data argument in calculate_mandel changed to curve_data.

    • dilution_data argument in calculate_pra_linear changed to curve_data.

    • dilution_data argument in plot_curve_ggplot changed to curve_data.

    • dilution_data argument in plot_curve_plotly changed to curve_data.

    • dilution_summary_grp argument in plot_curve_ggplot changed to curve_summary_grp.

    • dil_batch_var argument in plot_curve_ggplot changed to curve_batch_var.

    • dil_batch_var argument in plot_curve_plotly changed to curve_batch_var.

    • dil_batch_var argument in add_ggplot_panel changed to curve_batch_var.

    • dil_batch_var argument in add_plotly_panel changed to curve_batch_var.

    • dil_batch_col argument in add_ggplot_panel changed to curve_batch_col.

    • dil_batch_col argument in add_plotly_panel changed to curve_batch_col.

    • dilution_table argument in add_ggplot_panel changed to curve_table.

    • dilution_table argument in add_plotly_panel changed to curve_table.

lancer 0.0.6

  • Change characterisation of LOD curves from LOD to Noise Regime.
  • Change characterisation of Saturation curves from Saturation to Saturation Regime.

lancer 0.0.5

  • Change the R package name to lancer.
  • Use actions/checkout@v3 in the other GitHub Actions files.
  • Add alternate text to the documentation.

lancer 0.0.4

  • Fix issue that r_corr from calculate_gof_linear gives a named numeric vector.
  • Change code to suit the changes highlighted in tidyselect 1.2.0.
  • Use actions/checkout@v3 and actions/cache@v3 in R-CMD-check.yaml file.

lancer 0.0.3

  • Add the hex sticker logo for this package.
  • Correct README to ensure the add_ggplot_panel function is correctly used.
  • Fix issue in add_ggplot_panel and add_plotly_panel function when users key in the dil_batch_var but is not also a grouping variable.
  • Fix issue when view_trellis_html cannot display plots when there is input for grouping variable is a vector of length one.

lancer 0.0.2

  • Changed output excel sheet font to “Consolas” so that the number “0” and the letter “O” can be differentiated easily.
  • In cognostics.R, function convert_to_cog, add code to ensure logical columns are converted to character columns as logical column will turn to NA when trelliscopejs::as_cognostics is applied.

lancer 0.0.1

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • Aim to create a tag version.