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Here is an example when the Curve Batches and Curve Names are not sorted in alphabetical order.


# Data Creation

concentration <- c(
  10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 60,
  75, 80, 100, 125, 150,
  10, 25, 40, 50, 60,
  75, 80, 100, 125, 150

curve_batch_name <- c(
  "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2",
  "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2",
  "B1", "B1", "B1", "B1", "B1",
  "B1", "B1", "B1", "B1", "B1"

sample_name <- c(
  "Sample_010a", "Sample_020a", "Sample_025a",
  "Sample_040a", "Sample_050a", "Sample_060a",
  "Sample_075a", "Sample_080a", "Sample_100a",
  "Sample_125a", "Sample_150a",
  "Sample_010a", "Sample_025a",
  "Sample_040a", "Sample_050a", "Sample_060a",
  "Sample_075a", "Sample_080a", "Sample_100a",
  "Sample_125a", "Sample_150a"

curve_4_saturation_regime <- c(
  5748124, 16616414, 21702718, 36191617,
  49324541, 55618266, 66947588, 74964771,
  75438063, 91770737, 94692060,
  5192648, 16594991, 32507833, 46499896,
  55388856, 62505210, 62778078, 72158161,
  78044338, 86158414

curve_3_good_linearity <- c(
  31538, 53709, 69990, 101977, 146436, 180960,
  232881, 283780, 298289, 344519, 430432,
  25463, 63387, 90624, 131274, 138069,
  205353, 202407, 260205, 292257, 367924

curve_2_noise_regime <- c(
  544, 397, 829, 1437, 1808, 2231,
  3343, 2915, 5268, 8031, 11045,
  500, 903, 1267, 2031, 2100,
  3563, 4500, 5300, 8500, 10430

curve_1_poor_linearity <- c(
  380519, 485372, 478770, 474467, 531640, 576301,
  501068, 550201, 515110, 499543, 474745,
  197417, 322846, 478398, 423174, 418577,
  426089, 413292, 450190, 415309, 457618

curve_batch_annot <- tibble::tibble(
  Sample_Name = sample_name,
  Curve_Batch_Name = curve_batch_name,
  Concentration = concentration

curve_data <- tibble::tibble(
  Sample_Name = sample_name,
  `Curve_4` = curve_4_saturation_regime,
  `Curve_3` = curve_3_good_linearity,
  `Curve_2` = curve_2_noise_regime,
  `Curve_1` = curve_1_poor_linearity

Order of the Curve_Batch_Name and Curve_Name grouping variables is maintained when summarise_curve_table is used. No sorting is involved.

# Create curve table and statistical summary
curve_summary <- lancer::create_curve_table(
  curve_batch_annot = curve_batch_annot,
  curve_data_wide = curve_data,
  common_column = "Sample_Name",
  signal_var = "Signal",
  column_group = "Curve_Name"
) |>
    grouping_variable = c(
    conc_var = "Concentration",
    signal_var = "Signal"
print(curve_summary, width = 100)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 9
#>   Curve_Batch_Name Curve_Name r_corr r2_linear r2_adj_linear mandel_stats
#>   <chr>            <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1 B2               Curve_4     0.952     0.906        0.901         62.5 
#> 2 B2               Curve_3     0.978     0.957        0.954          1.19
#> 3 B2               Curve_2     0.971     0.942        0.939         84.6 
#> 4 B2               Curve_1     0.344     0.118        0.0718         5.11
#> 5 B1               Curve_4     0.949     0.9          0.894         57.0 
#> 6 B1               Curve_3     0.976     0.953        0.951          1.10
#> 7 B1               Curve_2     0.969     0.940        0.936         82.2 
#> 8 B1               Curve_1     0.384     0.147        0.0997         6.77
#>   mandel_p_val pra_linear concavity
#>          <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1 0.000000290        65.8 -4134.   
#> 2 0.290              90.2    -3.35 
#> 3 0.0000000320       72.9     0.394
#> 4 0.0363           -233.    -19.9  
#> 5 0.000000792        64.6 -4147.   
#> 6 0.308              90.0    -3.39 
#> 7 0.0000000637       72.4     0.401
#> 8 0.0186           -172.    -22.6

grouping variable in evaluate_linearity only put these variables to the front

curve_classified <- lancer::evaluate_linearity(
  curve_summary = curve_summary,
  grouping_variable = c(
print(curve_classified, width = 100)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 11
#>   Curve_Batch_Name Curve_Name wf1_group      wf2_group         r_corr pra_linear
#>   <chr>            <chr>      <chr>          <chr>              <dbl>      <dbl>
#> 1 B2               Curve_4    Poor Linearity Saturation Regime  0.952       65.8
#> 2 B2               Curve_3    Good Linearity Good Linearity     0.978       90.2
#> 3 B2               Curve_2    Poor Linearity Noise Regime       0.971       72.9
#> 4 B2               Curve_1    Poor Linearity Poor Linearity     0.344     -233. 
#> 5 B1               Curve_4    Poor Linearity Saturation Regime  0.949       64.6
#> 6 B1               Curve_3    Good Linearity Good Linearity     0.976       90.0
#> 7 B1               Curve_2    Poor Linearity Noise Regime       0.969       72.4
#> 8 B1               Curve_1    Poor Linearity Poor Linearity     0.384     -172. 
#>   mandel_p_val concavity r2_linear r2_adj_linear mandel_stats
#>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1 0.000000290  -4134.        0.906        0.901         62.5 
#> 2 0.290           -3.35      0.957        0.954          1.19
#> 3 0.0000000320     0.394     0.942        0.939         84.6 
#> 4 0.0363         -19.9       0.118        0.0718         5.11
#> 5 0.000000792  -4147.        0.9          0.894         57.0 
#> 6 0.308           -3.39      0.953        0.951          1.10
#> 7 0.0000000637     0.401     0.940        0.936         82.2 
#> 8 0.0186         -22.6       0.147        0.0997         6.77