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Here are some examples to plot curve data via ggplot2


# Data Creation

concentration <- c(
  10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 60,
  75, 80, 100, 125, 150,
  10, 25, 40, 50, 60,
  75, 80, 100, 125, 150

curve_batch_name <- c(
  "B1", "B1", "B1", "B1", "B1",
  "B1", "B1", "B1", "B1", "B1", "B1",
  "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2",
  "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2"

sample_name <- c(
  "Sample_010a", "Sample_020a",
  "Sample_025a", "Sample_040a", "Sample_050a",
  "Sample_060a", "Sample_075a", "Sample_080a",
  "Sample_100a", "Sample_125a", "Sample_150a",
  "Sample_010b", "Sample_025b",
  "Sample_040b", "Sample_050b", "Sample_060b",
  "Sample_075b", "Sample_080b", "Sample_100b",
  "Sample_125b", "Sample_150b"

curve_1_saturation_regime <- c(
  5748124, 16616414, 21702718, 36191617,
  49324541, 55618266, 66947588, 74964771,
  75438063, 91770737, 94692060,
  5192648, 16594991, 32507833, 46499896,
  55388856, 62505210, 62778078, 72158161,
  78044338, 86158414

curve_2_good_linearity <- c(
  31538, 53709, 69990, 101977, 146436, 180960,
  232881, 283780, 298289, 344519, 430432,
  25463, 63387, 90624, 131274, 138069,
  205353, 202407, 260205, 292257, 367924

curve_3_noise_regime <- c(
  544, 397, 829, 1437, 1808, 2231,
  3343, 2915, 5268, 8031, 11045,
  500, 903, 1267, 2031, 2100,
  3563, 4500, 5300, 8500, 10430

curve_4_poor_linearity <- c(
  380519, 485372, 478770, 474467, 531640, 576301,
  501068, 550201, 515110, 499543, 474745,
  197417, 322846, 478398, 423174, 418577,
  426089, 413292, 450190, 415309, 457618

curve_batch_annot <- tibble::tibble(
  Sample_Name = sample_name,
  Curve_Batch_Name = curve_batch_name,
  Concentration = concentration

curve_data <- tibble::tibble(
  Sample_Name = sample_name,
  `Curve_1` = curve_1_saturation_regime,
  `Curve_2` = curve_2_good_linearity,
  `Curve_3` = curve_3_noise_regime,
  `Curve_4` = curve_4_poor_linearity

curve_table <- lancer::create_curve_table(
  curve_batch_annot = curve_batch_annot,
  curve_data_wide = curve_data,
  common_column = "Sample_Name",
  signal_var = "Signal",
  column_group = "Curve_Name"

curve_classified <- curve_table |>
    grouping_variable = c(
    conc_var = "Concentration",
    signal_var = "Signal"
  ) |>
  dplyr::arrange(.data[["Curve_Name"]]) |>
    grouping_variable = c(

Here is the output of curve_table and curve_classified

print(head(curve_table), width = 100)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#>   Sample_Name Curve_Batch_Name Concentration Curve_Name   Signal
#>   <chr>       <chr>                    <dbl> <chr>         <dbl>
#> 1 Sample_010a B1                          10 Curve_1     5748124
#> 2 Sample_010a B1                          10 Curve_2       31538
#> 3 Sample_010a B1                          10 Curve_3         544
#> 4 Sample_010a B1                          10 Curve_4      380519
#> 5 Sample_020a B1                          20 Curve_1    16616414
#> 6 Sample_020a B1                          20 Curve_2       53709
print(head(curve_classified), width = 100)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 11
#>   Curve_Name Curve_Batch_Name wf1_group      wf2_group         r_corr pra_linear
#>   <chr>      <chr>            <chr>          <chr>              <dbl>      <dbl>
#> 1 Curve_1    B1               Poor Linearity Saturation Regime  0.963       70.5
#> 2 Curve_1    B2               Poor Linearity Saturation Regime  0.950       62.3
#> 3 Curve_2    B1               Good Linearity Good Linearity     0.990       92.8
#> 4 Curve_2    B2               Good Linearity Good Linearity     0.995       94.3
#> 5 Curve_3    B1               Poor Linearity Noise Regime       0.964       71.2
#> 6 Curve_3    B2               Poor Linearity Noise Regime       0.978       74.7
#>   mandel_p_val concavity r2_linear r2_adj_linear mandel_stats
#>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1   0.0000297  -4174.        0.928         0.920       71.2  
#> 2   0.000166   -4137.        0.903         0.890       52.9  
#> 3   0.150         -4.91      0.980         0.978        2.53 
#> 4   0.382         -1.94      0.990         0.988        0.868
#> 5   0.00000678     0.468     0.930         0.922      106.   
#> 6   0.00256        0.321     0.956         0.951       20.9

To see the regression line on half the curve points, set plot_first_half_lin_reg = TRUE

ggplot_table <- lancer::add_ggplot_panel(
  curve_table = curve_table,
  curve_summary = curve_classified,
  grouping_variable = c(
  curve_batch_var = "Curve_Batch_Name",
  curve_batch_col = c(
  conc_var = "Concentration",
  conc_var_units = "%",
  conc_var_interval = 50,
  signal_var = "Signal",
  plot_first_half_lin_reg = TRUE

ggplot_list <- ggplot_table$panel

A ggplot of the Curve_1_B1's curve and curve statistics. A linear regression line which fits the first half of the curve points is added. This is the first row of the column panel.

Units of conc_var and conc_var_interval can be customised to suit the range of conc_var You can also change the colours for your curve batch from curve_batch_col

ggplot_table <- lancer::add_ggplot_panel(
  curve_table = curve_table,
  curve_summary = curve_classified,
  grouping_variable = c(
  curve_batch_var = "Curve_Batch_Name",
  curve_batch_col = c(
  conc_var = "Concentration",
  conc_var_units = "mol",
  conc_var_interval = 20,
  signal_var = "Signal",
  plot_first_half_lin_reg = TRUE

ggplot_list <- ggplot_table$panel

A ggplot of the Curve_2_B1's curve and curve statistics. The curve points colour, concentration interval and units are customised. This is the second row of the column panel.


A ggplot of the Curve_4_B2's curve and curve statistics. The curve points colour, concentration interval and units are customised. This is the eighth row of the column panel.

The list of ggplots can be output in pdf. You may have to adjust the width and height accordingly.

  ggplot_list = ggplot_list,
  filename = "curve_plot.pdf",
  ncol_per_page = 2,
  nrow_per_page = 2,
  width = 15, height = 8

Curve batch one's statistics summary and plots reported in pdf using lancer. Pdf page width and height are customised.

Curve batch two's statistics summary and plots reported in pdf using lancer. Pdf page width and height are customised.