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Evaluate if a curve is linear based on curve summary statistics


  dilution_summary = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  grouping_variable = c(),
  corrcoef_column = "r_corr",
  corrcoef_min_threshold = 0.8,
  pra_column = "pra_linear",
  pra_min_threshold = 80,
  mandel_p_val_column = "mandel_p_val",
  mandel_p_val_threshold = 0.05,
  concavity_column = "concavity"



A data frame or tibble output from the function summarise_curve_data().


[Deprecated] dilution_summary was renamed to curve_summary.


A character vector of column names in curve_summaryto indicate which columns should be placed first before the evaluation results. Default: c()


A column in curve_summary that holds the correlation coefficient. Default: 'r_corr'


The minimum threshold value of the curve's correlation coefficient to pass being potentially linear. Equality to the threshold is considered a pass. Default: 0.8


A column in curve_summary that holds the percent residual accuracy, Default: 'pra_linear'.


The minimum threshold value of the curve's percent residual accuracy to pass being potentially linear. Equality to the threshold is considered a pass. Default: 80


A column in curve_summary that holds the p value results for the Mandel's fitting test. Default: 'mandel_p_val'


The threshold value of the curve's p value for the Mandel's fitting test to reject the hypothesis that the quadratic model fits better than the linear model. Default: 0.05


A column in curve_summary that holds the concavity of the quadratic model, Default: 'concavity'.


A data frame or tibble with evaluation results.


Two work flows are given to evaluate linearity of dilution curves. The results are highlighted as columns wf1_group and wf2_group for now. Column names used to categorise the dilution curves will be moved to the front allow with wf1_group and wf2_group.


r_corr <- c(0.951956, 0.948683, 0.978057, 0.976462, 0.970618, 0.969348)

pra_linear <- c(65.78711, 64.58687, 90.21257, 89.95473, 72.91220, 72.36528)

mandel_p_val <- c(
  2.899006e-07, 7.922290e-07, 2.903365e-01, 3.082930e-01,
  3.195779e-08, 6.366588e-08

concavity <- c(
  -4133.501328, -4146.745747, -3.350942, -3.393617,
  0.3942824, 0.4012963

curve_summary <- data.frame(
  r_corr = r_corr, pra_linear = pra_linear,
  mandel_p_val = mandel_p_val,
  concavity = concavity

curve_summary <- evaluate_linearity(curve_summary)

print(curve_summary, width = 100)
#>        wf1_group         wf2_group   r_corr pra_linear mandel_p_val     concavity
#> 1 Poor Linearity Saturation Regime 0.951956   65.78711 2.899006e-07 -4133.5013280
#> 2 Poor Linearity Saturation Regime 0.948683   64.58687 7.922290e-07 -4146.7457470
#> 3 Good Linearity    Good Linearity 0.978057   90.21257 2.903365e-01    -3.3509420
#> 4 Good Linearity    Good Linearity 0.976462   89.95473 3.082930e-01    -3.3936170
#> 5 Poor Linearity      Noise Regime 0.970618   72.91220 3.195779e-08     0.3942824
#> 6 Poor Linearity      Noise Regime 0.969348   72.36528 6.366588e-08     0.4012963