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Create default cognostics data frame to be used to convert columns in curve_summary to class cognostics




A dataframe of default cognostics information


Internal function to create a dataframe of default cognostics information to be used by the trelliscopejs::cog.


cog_df <- create_default_cog_df()
#>        col_name_vec                                    desc_vec type_vec
#> 1        Curve_Name                                  Curve_Name   factor
#> 2  Curve_Batch_Name                            Curve_Batch_Name   factor
#> 3       Curve_Class                           Classes of Curves   factor
#> 4         wf1_group                       Group from workflow 1   factor
#> 5         wf2_group                       Group from workflow 2   factor
#> 6            r_corr                Pearson Correlation R values  numeric
#> 7        pra_linear Linear Regression Percent Residual Accuracy  numeric
#> 8      mandel_p_val                    P values for Mandel test  numeric
#> 9         r2_linear                 Linear Regression R^2 Value  numeric
#> 10    r2_adj_linear        Linear Regression Adjusted R^2 Value  numeric
#> 11     mandel_stats             Test statistics for Mandel Test  numeric
#> 12        adl_value            Average Deviation from Linearity  numeric